Dear pigeon fanciers, 

Our feed specialists receive daily many questions from fanciers how to feed the racing pigeons in the following weeks, now that the racing season has been postponed for at least 2 months. 

In consultation with some champions and specialists, we have listed some recommandations for this exceptional period. 

- Click on the picture and check out our tips! 

24/09/2018  Henk Hoekstra from Kollum/Holland wins 1. Provincial Championship Young birds 2018

Henk is already years one of the best lofts from Holland and had a fantastic season in 2018. Winning big races like 1/20.006 from Quivrain,  2 & 3/2.447 birds from Quivrain and 1/2.057 birds from Morlincourt. With only a small team he wins this year also the Provincial Championship Young birds. He gives his trust completely in the Vanrobaeys Premium Power mix Relax nr. 183 beginning of the week and Dynamik nr. 184 end of the week. Day of basketting and return the Energy and Recovery drink HYP 100 in the drinker and as feedinsupplements the new products Endurace+ and E-Boost who gave his birds that extra energy.

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8930 Rekkem - Belgium
T +32 56 41 24 07