Which problems can arise during moulting because of the feed? Methionine deficiency used to be one of the most common problems! This was mainly due to feeding lots of or sometimes only peas! A deficiency of amino acids, such as arginine or lysine, or else a zinc deficiency, caused bad colouring of the feathers, or as we call it in the jargon, depigmentation of the feathers! But, the question arises; do bad pigeon feeds still exist? No, but some are less good than others and especially feeds that are not really adapted to the moulting period! Take e.g. a pigeon feed mainly based on maize, peas and wheat. It surely is adapted less for feeding pigeons during moulting! Let us explain: for pigeons, the moulting period is a pretty stressful period! You probably cannot see it, but for birds moulting is a radical process that takes up a lot of energy! So, this leads us to our first point, during moulting, pigeons need high-energy mixtures! What else is im- portant? When having a look at the composition of the feathers, we see that they are composed of over 90% proteins, 1.5% fats and the rest is made out of water! Therefore, administration of sufficient proteins is an absolute necessity!
Recent research showed a fact that is even more important: omega 3 plays a serious role during the moult- ing period! So, in a nutshell, a pigeon feed must contain: sufficient energy, be rich in proteins and omega 3! This brings us to what we call oil-rich seeds! Dari for example has a favourable protein pallet, but linseed is the absolute no. 1 in a moulting mixture! It contains sufficient omega 3 and arginine and is therefore really important during moulting! Hemp seed, canary seed or canary seed, mung beans and rapeseed are grains that are extremely rich in proteins! “Rui Exclusief” offers a nice pallet of grains and the diversity surely is an added value for your pigeons during moulting! You will see, pigeons know their needs very well! During this period, they prefer to eat the smaller grains, such as linseed and the like. Maize and peas will be left aside!